Yarn Evenness Tester

Model YTE002
Yarn Evenness Tester is a kind of Yarn Testing Equipment
which is used to measures the yarn appearance on boards. Manual and motorized
models are available. The system consists of a yarn wrap board and a
arrangement to wrap the yarn over it at equal spacing under a desired tension.
The board is rotated manually to wrap yarn over it the yarn is guided on the
board through a yarn guide which moves parallel to the pivoting axis of the
board with the help of a screw giving uniformly spaced wraps. The guide is
positively linked of the rotation of the board with the help of a chain and
sprocket drive. A set of change gears gives five different spacing to the yarn
for wrapping yarn of different counts. A spring loaded adjustable tensioning
arrangement provides the desired tension to the yarn. The equipment is built on
a rigid castled base. It is finished in dark gray painting and bright
chrome/zinc plating to give it a corrosion resistant finish. Two numbers
rectangular acrylic boards having one face white and the other face black to
enable evaluation of both light and dark colored yarns are supplied as standard
accessory. Additional boards, both rectangular and tapered are available as
optional accessories.