Bottle Thickness Gauge

Model HV-TT016
Bottle Thickness Gauge is an easily portable instrument from Hoverlabs used for non-destructive testing.The bottle thickness gauge that uses an easy and simple magnetic procedure to make repeatable measurements for non-ferrous materials testing.Measurements done when the magnetic probe is scanned from one side of the test specimen and the disk is placed on the other side or dropped in a container. The Hall effect measures the distance between the target ball and probe tip. The measurements are quickly displayed on the colored thickness display.
There are two probes designed provided with the
instrument that are straight and right angle probes.
Replaceable wear caps are provided with the
instruments that are easily changeable.
The instrument is given with expanded target
selections that are 3/16 and ¼ inches magnetic target balls and wire target
The instrument can gauge thickness range up to
25.4 mm.
Larger Display with video graphic
Equipped with USB and VGA outputs.
There is a save and recall feature provided with
stored calibration files.
It has a new and improved design of the case
with bench-style.
The data files can be exported easily to SD card
in .txt or CSV format.
There is a strip chart view available with the