Visual Presenter

Model DIB0012
Hoverlabs offers a prime range of visual presenters, that is also known by the names document camera, visualiser and digital overhead. In recent years, when technology has grown up by leaps and bounds, the demand for visual presenter in classrooms have raised to newer levels.Visual Presenter is a modern way of presenting “the content with visual display” for classrooms, training rooms, video conferencing (share live-images with conference participants), boardroom, medical research (experiments or research), science laboratory (to show experiments to others), and presentations (with images to ensure indulgence and interaction). The device just requires an output unit, which can be LCD Screen, Projector or a basic Computer Monitor, to display pictures of 2D or 3D objects. To right away start, one just has to place the object (or anything) under the document camera lens.
Recording of Experiments
Storage of Pictures and Video Files
for Saving, Sharing and Re-Usage
Adaptation with Microscope
Ports to
Connect with Projector, Computer, Interactive Whiteboard and Digital
Podium Independent of
Installation and User-friendly
control to function from a short distance