VHDL Simulator

Model HV-EXP5816
Learn VHDL the Direct way with our low-cost, interactive VHDL simulator. VHDL simulator is built around a VHDL interpreter that allows you to edit and simulate your VHDL design without complicated setup or compilation procedures. VHDL simulator simply loads and simulates in one step. VHDL simulator includes the following: VHDL Workspace ·; An easy-to-use manager that serves as a starting point to launch the; VHDL editor and simulator.; VHDL Editor ·; An advanced editor providing syntax coloring and syntax-error detection. Perfect for beginners, this editor highlights syntax errors as you type!; VHDL Simulator; ·; Allows you to simulate and debug your design with a graphical waveform viewer.; VHDL Tutorial ·; Provides an easy introduction to the VHDL language.; Requirements Windows ·; Windows 95,98,Me,NT 4.0, or 2000, 15 MB hard disk space, 64 MB RAM.; ·; Mac OS X Implementation & Experimental Boards (More than 20 hardware experiments) ·; Universal FPGA/CPLD Kit ·; Training Kits for Virtex, Spartan 2S, 2SE, CPLD, FPGA, Altera..

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