Plastic Testing Equipment
HOVERLABS offers a complete range of Plastic testing Equipments for analysis for polymers, plastics & composites. All our products are from reputed traders who promise quality, smart learning and proven results to their clients. We take proud in delivering the best plastic testing equipments to colleges, universities as well as research centers.
Melt Flow Index
Model PTE001
Melt Flow Index Apparatus for plastic measures the melt flow index of plastic material. The system consists of a heated extruder tube, an interchangeable jet through which the material under test is extruded, and a piston with dead weights to apply the specified pressure on the material inside the extruder tube. The extruder tube is made from carbon steel and is heated by means of a Bend Heater, which surrounds its outer circumference. A PID controller is provided to indicate & control the temperature of the tube. View Details
Melt Flow Index Apparatus for plastic measures the melt flow index of plastic material. The system consists of a heated extruder tube, an interchangeable jet through which the material under test is extruded, and a piston with dead weights to apply the specified pressure on the material inside the extruder tube. The extruder tube is made from carbon steel and is heated by means of a Bend Heater, which surrounds its outer circumference. A PID controller is provided to indicate & control the temperature of the tube. View Details

Limited Oxygen Index
Model PTE002
Oxygen Index Apparatus consists of a test chimney made of borosilicate glass suppurated by the metallic base and hook with the help of the metallic pillar. The mixture of nitrogen and oxygen is released from the bottom of tube. The tube is filled with glass beads for mixing and evenly distributing the gas mixture. The specimen holder, which holds the test specimen, made of U shape and fixed at the center of the chimney. There is the porous screen mounted below the level of the specimen holder, to prevent falling combustion debris from fouling the gas entry and distribution paths. View Details
Oxygen Index Apparatus consists of a test chimney made of borosilicate glass suppurated by the metallic base and hook with the help of the metallic pillar. The mixture of nitrogen and oxygen is released from the bottom of tube. The tube is filled with glass beads for mixing and evenly distributing the gas mixture. The specimen holder, which holds the test specimen, made of U shape and fixed at the center of the chimney. There is the porous screen mounted below the level of the specimen holder, to prevent falling combustion debris from fouling the gas entry and distribution paths. View Details

Smoke Density Tester
Model PTE003
Smoke Density Chamber is constructed using 14 gage aluminum box, which is hinged a heat resistant glass glazed door. This box is mounted on the base which houses the controls. Dependent upon the materials tested, the metal may require protection from corrosion. The chamber is sealed except for 25 by 30mm (1by 9in.) openings on the four sides of the bottom of the chamber. A liters/min specified capacity blower is mounted on one side of the chamber. The inlet duct to the bowler is equipped with a close fitting damper. View Details
Smoke Density Chamber is constructed using 14 gage aluminum box, which is hinged a heat resistant glass glazed door. This box is mounted on the base which houses the controls. Dependent upon the materials tested, the metal may require protection from corrosion. The chamber is sealed except for 25 by 30mm (1by 9in.) openings on the four sides of the bottom of the chamber. A liters/min specified capacity blower is mounted on one side of the chamber. The inlet duct to the bowler is equipped with a close fitting damper. View Details

Apparatus for Temperature Of Deflection Under Load
Model PTE004
Used in plastic and cable industries, Apparatus for Temperature of Deflection under Load consists of a specimen support View Details
Used in plastic and cable industries, Apparatus for Temperature of Deflection under Load consists of a specimen support View Details

Smoke Visibility Tester
Model PTE006
Smoke Visibility Tester made of a plywood chamber inner side painted by heat proof paint the ceiling of the chamber have a hole which permit to hold light meter cell while testing. There is a hole in the bottom of the chamber, which is aligning to the ceiling hole. There is a clear glass bulb fitted to the bottom hole. Left-hand side of the chamber has a hole, an exhaust fan fitted to the left hand side hole. Right hand side have hole which permit to flow air at the time of the exhaust of the smoke to the chamber. View Details
Smoke Visibility Tester made of a plywood chamber inner side painted by heat proof paint the ceiling of the chamber have a hole which permit to hold light meter cell while testing. There is a hole in the bottom of the chamber, which is aligning to the ceiling hole. There is a clear glass bulb fitted to the bottom hole. Left-hand side of the chamber has a hole, an exhaust fan fitted to the left hand side hole. Right hand side have hole which permit to flow air at the time of the exhaust of the smoke to the chamber. View Details

Vicat Softening Point Apparatus
Model HV-EXP4394
Vicat Softening Point Apparatus - Vicat softening temperature of plastics is the temperature at which a standard flat-ended indenter penetrates one millimeter into the surface of the material under test under a specified load. The test is conducted by placing a test specimen taken from the sample under test on a flat platform inside a liquid bath and applying compression load over its upper face through a flat-ended indenter. The load is applied by placing a dead weight on the upper end of the indenter. After the test specimen attains the temperature of the bath, the bath temperature is increased gradually till the indenter penetrates by exactly 1 mm into the test specimen. The bath temperature inordm;C at which this happens is reported as the Vicat Softening Temperature of the sample under test. & The& Vicat Softening Point Apparatus (High Temperature Model) consists of a specimen support, weights, a deflection measuring device, and an immersion bath. & The specimen support consists of a circular supporting plate on which the specimen is kept and a loading plate having a bush for guiding a vertical rod carrying a hardened indenting tip. The two plates are joined together with spacer rods of same material (brass) as indenting rod so that they have identical co-efficient of linear expansion. The indenting rod is fitted with a disc near its top to place the dead weight on. Two circular dead weights are provided to enable loads of 1 kg or 5 kg to be applied on the test specimen. A dial gauge is provided above the rod to measure the indentation of the tip into the test specimen by gauging the movement of the rod. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Vicat Softening Point Apparatus - Vicat softening temperature of plastics is the temperature at which a standard flat-ended indenter penetrates one millimeter into the surface of the material under test under a specified load. The test is conducted by placing a test specimen taken from the sample under test on a flat platform inside a liquid bath and applying compression load over its upper face through a flat-ended indenter. The load is applied by placing a dead weight on the upper end of the indenter. After the test specimen attains the temperature of the bath, the bath temperature is increased gradually till the indenter penetrates by exactly 1 mm into the test specimen. The bath temperature inordm;C at which this happens is reported as the Vicat Softening Temperature of the sample under test. & The& Vicat Softening Point Apparatus (High Temperature Model) consists of a specimen support, weights, a deflection measuring device, and an immersion bath. & The specimen support consists of a circular supporting plate on which the specimen is kept and a loading plate having a bush for guiding a vertical rod carrying a hardened indenting tip. The two plates are joined together with spacer rods of same material (brass) as indenting rod so that they have identical co-efficient of linear expansion. The indenting rod is fitted with a disc near its top to place the dead weight on. Two circular dead weights are provided to enable loads of 1 kg or 5 kg to be applied on the test specimen. A dial gauge is provided above the rod to measure the indentation of the tip into the test specimen by gauging the movement of the rod. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Toxicity Index Apparatus
Model HV-EXP4393
Toxicity Index Apparatus -& Toxicity Index is the numerical summation of the toxicity factors of selected gases produced by complete combustion of the material in air under the conditions specified. The toxicity factors are derived from the calculated quantity of each gas that would be produced when 100 g of the material is burnt in air in a volume of 1 m3 and the resulting concentration expressed as a factor of the concentration fatal to a man at a 30 minute exposure time. An index of 1 for a given volume, on average, bring about death in 30 minutes. & & The& Toxicity Index Apparatus consists of an airtight rectangular enclosure made from 1 mm thick stainless steel sheet and lined on the inside with a layer of opaque polypropylene sheeting. A close fitting airtight door is provided for placing the test sample through and for igniting the pilot flame. A polycarbonate viewing window is provided on the door for observing the inside of the test enclosure. An illumination light is provided near the roof of the enclosure for ease in viewing. civil lab equipments manufacturers &. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Toxicity Index Apparatus -& Toxicity Index is the numerical summation of the toxicity factors of selected gases produced by complete combustion of the material in air under the conditions specified. The toxicity factors are derived from the calculated quantity of each gas that would be produced when 100 g of the material is burnt in air in a volume of 1 m3 and the resulting concentration expressed as a factor of the concentration fatal to a man at a 30 minute exposure time. An index of 1 for a given volume, on average, bring about death in 30 minutes. & & The& Toxicity Index Apparatus consists of an airtight rectangular enclosure made from 1 mm thick stainless steel sheet and lined on the inside with a layer of opaque polypropylene sheeting. A close fitting airtight door is provided for placing the test sample through and for igniting the pilot flame. A polycarbonate viewing window is provided on the door for observing the inside of the test enclosure. An illumination light is provided near the roof of the enclosure for ease in viewing. civil lab equipments manufacturers &. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Slip Tester for Plastic Films
Model HV-EXP4392
Slip Tester for Plastic Films - The force needed to cause slipping between two surfaces of any plastic film depends on its co-efficient of friction. & The co­efficient of friction is the ratio of the frictional force and normal pressure acting on two surfaces in contact with each other. Thus it is an inverse measure of the relative ease with which a material will slide over a similar or different material. & The& Slip Tester for plastic films is designed to determine both static and dynamic co-efficients of friction between two flat surfaces of flexible plastic films. It consists of a rigid, smooth, and horizontal platform for mounting the test specimen on and an arrangement to measure frictional force between the test specimen mounted on it and a movable sled. & The horizontal platform is provided with a channel around its periphery for providing vacuum clamping to the film under test. A steel sled having its bottom face lined with a 3 mm thick layer of micro-cellular foam sheet is kept on top of the test specimen mounted over the platform. The sled is moved at the specified speed with the help of a screw mechanism driven by an electric motor. It is also connected to a load cell for measurement of frictional force acting on it. A peak force display arrangement enables the maximum force exerted during the slipping operation to be recorded and displayed when desired. Arrangement to automatically stop the movement of the sled at the extreme ends of travel of the load cell is also provided. &civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Slip Tester for Plastic Films - The force needed to cause slipping between two surfaces of any plastic film depends on its co-efficient of friction. & The co­efficient of friction is the ratio of the frictional force and normal pressure acting on two surfaces in contact with each other. Thus it is an inverse measure of the relative ease with which a material will slide over a similar or different material. & The& Slip Tester for plastic films is designed to determine both static and dynamic co-efficients of friction between two flat surfaces of flexible plastic films. It consists of a rigid, smooth, and horizontal platform for mounting the test specimen on and an arrangement to measure frictional force between the test specimen mounted on it and a movable sled. & The horizontal platform is provided with a channel around its periphery for providing vacuum clamping to the film under test. A steel sled having its bottom face lined with a 3 mm thick layer of micro-cellular foam sheet is kept on top of the test specimen mounted over the platform. The sled is moved at the specified speed with the help of a screw mechanism driven by an electric motor. It is also connected to a load cell for measurement of frictional force acting on it. A peak force display arrangement enables the maximum force exerted during the slipping operation to be recorded and displayed when desired. Arrangement to automatically stop the movement of the sled at the extreme ends of travel of the load cell is also provided. &civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Heat Deflection Temperature Tester
Model HV-EXP4390
Heat Deflection Temperature Tester -The Heat Deflection Temperature of plastic materials is the temperature at which the material deflects by a specified amount under the action of a specified stress. It is determined by supporting a rectangular test specimen over two cylindrical edged blocks and pressing it at the center of the supported span through a cylindrical edged loading tip. The test specimen, along with the supports and the loading frame, is kept in a high temperature bath whose temperature is slowly raised. The temperature at which the test specimen deflects through a predetermined distance is the heat deflection temperature of the material under test civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Heat Deflection Temperature Tester -The Heat Deflection Temperature of plastic materials is the temperature at which the material deflects by a specified amount under the action of a specified stress. It is determined by supporting a rectangular test specimen over two cylindrical edged blocks and pressing it at the center of the supported span through a cylindrical edged loading tip. The test specimen, along with the supports and the loading frame, is kept in a high temperature bath whose temperature is slowly raised. The temperature at which the test specimen deflects through a predetermined distance is the heat deflection temperature of the material under test civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Melt Flow Index Apparatus
Model HV-EXP4391
Melt Flow Index Apparatus - Melt flow index of thermoplastic materials is defined as the rate of flow in g/10 minutes of extrudate of molten resins from a cylindrical cavity inside a heated metallic tube barrel through a jet of a specified length and diameter under prescribed conditions of temperature, load, and piston position. & The& Melt Flow Index Apparatus for thermoplastic materials consists of a heated extruder tube, a removable jet through which the material under test is extruded, and a piston and dead weights to apply the specified pressure on the material inside the extruder tube. & The extruder tube is made from hardened die steel and is heated by means of two band heaters, which surround its outer circumference. A micro-processor based PID type digital temperature indicator-cum-controller is provided to indicate and control the temperature of the tube accurately. The heater and tube are lagged with mineral wool for providing them adequate thermal insulation. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Melt Flow Index Apparatus - Melt flow index of thermoplastic materials is defined as the rate of flow in g/10 minutes of extrudate of molten resins from a cylindrical cavity inside a heated metallic tube barrel through a jet of a specified length and diameter under prescribed conditions of temperature, load, and piston position. & The& Melt Flow Index Apparatus for thermoplastic materials consists of a heated extruder tube, a removable jet through which the material under test is extruded, and a piston and dead weights to apply the specified pressure on the material inside the extruder tube. & The extruder tube is made from hardened die steel and is heated by means of two band heaters, which surround its outer circumference. A micro-processor based PID type digital temperature indicator-cum-controller is provided to indicate and control the temperature of the tube accurately. The heater and tube are lagged with mineral wool for providing them adequate thermal insulation. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Gelbo Flex Tester
Model HV-EXP4389
Gelbo Flex Tester - Gelbo Flex Tester is used for determination of flex resistance of flexible barrier materials. Pinhole formation is the criterion presented for measuring failure, but other tests such as gas transmission rate or water vapour permeability can be used in place of the pinhole test. The flexing action consists of a twisting motion, followed, in most cases, by horizontal motion, thus, repeatedly twisting and crushing the film at a specified frequency. & The& Gelbo Flex Tester for determination of flex durability of flexible barrier materials consists of a pair of cylindrical mandrels for holding the test specimen, an eccentric and link mechanism to give a movement of either 155 mm or 80 mm to one of the mandrels, arrangement to rotate the moving mandrel during the initial part of the travel, a motor operated arrangement to give motion to the eccentric at a specified frequency, and a digital type pre set counter with infra red sensor and memory back up to retain the count of total number of operating cycles in case of power failure and to automatic stop the motor after the desired number of operating cycles. & The test specimen is held on the mandrels with the help of double sided adhesive tape. The axes of both the mandrels are horizontal and coincide with each other. One of the mandrels is held firmly during the test. Linear movement is given to the moving mandrel with the help of an eccentric pin and link.. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Gelbo Flex Tester - Gelbo Flex Tester is used for determination of flex resistance of flexible barrier materials. Pinhole formation is the criterion presented for measuring failure, but other tests such as gas transmission rate or water vapour permeability can be used in place of the pinhole test. The flexing action consists of a twisting motion, followed, in most cases, by horizontal motion, thus, repeatedly twisting and crushing the film at a specified frequency. & The& Gelbo Flex Tester for determination of flex durability of flexible barrier materials consists of a pair of cylindrical mandrels for holding the test specimen, an eccentric and link mechanism to give a movement of either 155 mm or 80 mm to one of the mandrels, arrangement to rotate the moving mandrel during the initial part of the travel, a motor operated arrangement to give motion to the eccentric at a specified frequency, and a digital type pre set counter with infra red sensor and memory back up to retain the count of total number of operating cycles in case of power failure and to automatic stop the motor after the desired number of operating cycles. & The test specimen is held on the mandrels with the help of double sided adhesive tape. The axes of both the mandrels are horizontal and coincide with each other. One of the mandrels is held firmly during the test. Linear movement is given to the moving mandrel with the help of an eccentric pin and link.. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Flammability Tester, Vertivcal Burning Test
Model HV-EXP4388
Flammability Tester(Vertivcal Burning Test) - The method for classification of plastic sheets or bar materials of 94V-0, 94V-1, or 94V-2 grade flammability is based on the determination of vertical burning characteristics of the material under test. & In this test, a test specimen is held from its top with its longitudinal axis lying in a vertical plane. A flame is applied for a specified duration of time to the lower end of the test specimen and removed. As soon as the material stops flaming the flame is applied once again for the same duration of time and removed. The time taken by the flame to extinguish, after the removal of the igniting flame and the duration of glowing after second application of flame are determined to evaluate the vertical burning characteristic of the material under test. & The Flammability Tester (Vertical Burning Test) for determination of vertical burning characteristic of plastic consists of a drought free enclosure, an arrangement to hold the test specimen from its top in a vertical plane, a swivelable burner to apply the flame at the tip of the test specimen, arrangement to move the burner so that its tip can be brought vertically below the lower end of the test specimen both with the burner axis being vertical and inclined at an angle of 45° to the vertical, a pre-set type digital timer to measure the time of application of flame, and a digital time interval meter to measure the flaming and after glow times. &civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Flammability Tester(Vertivcal Burning Test) - The method for classification of plastic sheets or bar materials of 94V-0, 94V-1, or 94V-2 grade flammability is based on the determination of vertical burning characteristics of the material under test. & In this test, a test specimen is held from its top with its longitudinal axis lying in a vertical plane. A flame is applied for a specified duration of time to the lower end of the test specimen and removed. As soon as the material stops flaming the flame is applied once again for the same duration of time and removed. The time taken by the flame to extinguish, after the removal of the igniting flame and the duration of glowing after second application of flame are determined to evaluate the vertical burning characteristic of the material under test. & The Flammability Tester (Vertical Burning Test) for determination of vertical burning characteristic of plastic consists of a drought free enclosure, an arrangement to hold the test specimen from its top in a vertical plane, a swivelable burner to apply the flame at the tip of the test specimen, arrangement to move the burner so that its tip can be brought vertically below the lower end of the test specimen both with the burner axis being vertical and inclined at an angle of 45° to the vertical, a pre-set type digital timer to measure the time of application of flame, and a digital time interval meter to measure the flaming and after glow times. &civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Flammability Tester (Horizontal Burning Test)
Model HV-EXP4387
Flammability Tester (Horizontal Burning Test) - The method for classification of plastic sheets or bar materials as 94HB grade flammability is based on the determination of horizontal burning characteristics of the material under test. & In this test, a bar specimen is held at one end with its longitudinal axis lying in a horizontal plane. A flame is applied to its free end for a specified duration of time and removed. Time and extent of burning are measured to evaluate the horizontal burning characteristic of the material under test. TheFlammability Tester (Horizontal Burning Test) for determination of horizontal burning characteristic of plastic consists of a drought free enclosure, an arrangement to hold a 127 mm square wire gauge and the test specimen from one end with its longitudinal axis lying in a horizontal plane and its traverse axis inclined at 45°, a burner to apply the flame at the tip of the test specimen, arrangement to incline the burner to 45° and to move it so that its tip can be brought vertically below the free end of the test specimen, a pre-set type digital timer to measure the time of application of flame, and a digital time interval meter to measure the flaming times.. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Flammability Tester (Horizontal Burning Test) - The method for classification of plastic sheets or bar materials as 94HB grade flammability is based on the determination of horizontal burning characteristics of the material under test. & In this test, a bar specimen is held at one end with its longitudinal axis lying in a horizontal plane. A flame is applied to its free end for a specified duration of time and removed. Time and extent of burning are measured to evaluate the horizontal burning characteristic of the material under test. TheFlammability Tester (Horizontal Burning Test) for determination of horizontal burning characteristic of plastic consists of a drought free enclosure, an arrangement to hold a 127 mm square wire gauge and the test specimen from one end with its longitudinal axis lying in a horizontal plane and its traverse axis inclined at 45°, a burner to apply the flame at the tip of the test specimen, arrangement to incline the burner to 45° and to move it so that its tip can be brought vertically below the free end of the test specimen, a pre-set type digital timer to measure the time of application of flame, and a digital time interval meter to measure the flaming times.. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Dart Impact Tester
Model HV-EXP4386
Dart Impact Tester -Impact resistance or impact failure load of plastic films is defined as the weight of a hemispherical shaped dart, falling on the film held in a suitable clamp from a specified height, which causes failure of 50% of specimens tested. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details
Dart Impact Tester -Impact resistance or impact failure load of plastic films is defined as the weight of a hemispherical shaped dart, falling on the film held in a suitable clamp from a specified height, which causes failure of 50% of specimens tested. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers View Details