Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Equipment
Manufacturers & Bulk Exporters of Scientific & Laboratory Equipment Suppliers for Schools, Colleges, Research Laboratories. Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab Supplies Lab.
Ring & Ball Apparatus
Model BATE001
HoverLabs offers highly efficient Ring & Ball Apparatus at affordable price. This mechanical assembly is utilized to decide Softening purpose of Bitumen. It is that temperature at which an example of bituminous material stacked by a 9.5mm diameter steel ball drops a predefined separation when warmed under determined conditions. View Details
HoverLabs offers highly efficient Ring & Ball Apparatus at affordable price. This mechanical assembly is utilized to decide Softening purpose of Bitumen. It is that temperature at which an example of bituminous material stacked by a 9.5mm diameter steel ball drops a predefined separation when warmed under determined conditions. View Details

Water in Bituminous Material (DEAN-STARK) Apparatus
Model BATE002
Water in Bituminous Material (DEAN-STARK) for Bitumen Testing can be checked using this apparatus which can be supplied by Hover Labs on demand. It is used to find the quantity of water in petroleum products or bituminous materials by distilling these materilas using volatile solvent. View Details
Water in Bituminous Material (DEAN-STARK) for Bitumen Testing can be checked using this apparatus which can be supplied by Hover Labs on demand. It is used to find the quantity of water in petroleum products or bituminous materials by distilling these materilas using volatile solvent. View Details

Standard Penetrometer for Bitumen-Asphalt Testing
Model BATE003
Standard Penetrometer which is supplied by us for Bitumen Testing is utilized to determine quality of bitumen. The penetration tests find out uniformity of bitumen for grading purpose .Depth to which a standard needle (units 1/10 of millimetre) with a particular weight will penetrate vertically in a duration of five seconds at a temperature of 25˚C governs penetration for gradation. Semi-automatic Penetrometer is also available on demand. View Details
Standard Penetrometer which is supplied by us for Bitumen Testing is utilized to determine quality of bitumen. The penetration tests find out uniformity of bitumen for grading purpose .Depth to which a standard needle (units 1/10 of millimetre) with a particular weight will penetrate vertically in a duration of five seconds at a temperature of 25˚C governs penetration for gradation. Semi-automatic Penetrometer is also available on demand. View Details

Ring & Ball Apparatus (Electrical)
Model BATE004
Ring & Ball Apparatus (Electrical) for Bitumen Testing is also available with us. It is electrically operated device used in Bitumen testing. View Details
Ring & Ball Apparatus (Electrical) for Bitumen Testing is also available with us. It is electrically operated device used in Bitumen testing. View Details

Straight Edge (3 Meters)
Model BATE005
Straight Edge for Bitumen Testing can be supplied by Hover labs promising the delivery of high quality products. A straight edge (3 metres in length) may be used to govern lateral surface regularity of a road surface. This lightweight unbulky apparatus is generally made up of mild steel or aluminium and is equally supported at both ends producing a set height between the road surface & the beam. Any vertical irregularity can be determined using incremented wedges. View Details
Straight Edge for Bitumen Testing can be supplied by Hover labs promising the delivery of high quality products. A straight edge (3 metres in length) may be used to govern lateral surface regularity of a road surface. This lightweight unbulky apparatus is generally made up of mild steel or aluminium and is equally supported at both ends producing a set height between the road surface & the beam. Any vertical irregularity can be determined using incremented wedges. View Details

Reflux Extractor 4000 GMS
Model BATE006
Reflux Extractor 4000 GMS for Bitumen testing is available with us at reasonable price. The apparatus consists of cylindrical glass jar providing support to two metal cones of stainless steel cloth and a metal condenser on top of the jar. View Details
Reflux Extractor 4000 GMS for Bitumen testing is available with us at reasonable price. The apparatus consists of cylindrical glass jar providing support to two metal cones of stainless steel cloth and a metal condenser on top of the jar. View Details

Hardness Tester for Mastic Asphalt
Model BATE007
Hardness Tester for testing Mastic Asphalt can be supplied by HoverLabs at affordable rates. We ensure to provide high quality tester as we understand the importance of getting highly precise and accurate measure-ments. This tester can be used to determine the hardness number of Mastic Asphalt for flooring. View Details
Hardness Tester for testing Mastic Asphalt can be supplied by HoverLabs at affordable rates. We ensure to provide high quality tester as we understand the importance of getting highly precise and accurate measure-ments. This tester can be used to determine the hardness number of Mastic Asphalt for flooring. View Details

Stripping Value Apparatus
Model BATE008
Stripping Value Apparatus is utilized for determining stripping value of bituminous mixtures having aggregate size from 1.0mm to 75 micron. A circular tray which rotates at a rate of approximately 100 R.P.M. in a vertical plane with the help of electrical geared motor. View Details
Stripping Value Apparatus is utilized for determining stripping value of bituminous mixtures having aggregate size from 1.0mm to 75 micron. A circular tray which rotates at a rate of approximately 100 R.P.M. in a vertical plane with the help of electrical geared motor. View Details

Binder Extractor (Hand Operated)
Model BATE009
HoverLabs find extreme pleasure in serving our clients with high quality products and fullfilling their needs in the best possible way. Binder Extractor (Hand Operated) for Bitumen Testing is one among all those devices which we sell on demand. The Instrument is used to find and check the Bitumen percentage in Bituminous mixes, the mixture is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen is removed with the help of centrifugal action. View Details
HoverLabs find extreme pleasure in serving our clients with high quality products and fullfilling their needs in the best possible way. Binder Extractor (Hand Operated) for Bitumen Testing is one among all those devices which we sell on demand. The Instrument is used to find and check the Bitumen percentage in Bituminous mixes, the mixture is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen is removed with the help of centrifugal action. View Details

Centrifuge Extractor
Model BATE0010
We at HoverLabs maintain the quality check on the devices and apparatus which we offer to our clients at attractive prizes. Centrifuge Extractor (Motorised) which we supply for Bitumen Testing has a number of special features like it comes with electric brakes, digital display and electronic controls. The device is mainly used to determine the bitumen percentage in bituminous mixtures. View Details
We at HoverLabs maintain the quality check on the devices and apparatus which we offer to our clients at attractive prizes. Centrifuge Extractor (Motorised) which we supply for Bitumen Testing has a number of special features like it comes with electric brakes, digital display and electronic controls. The device is mainly used to determine the bitumen percentage in bituminous mixtures. View Details

Manual Compaction
Model BATE0011
This manual compaction for Bitumen Testing is available on demand. We provide these Compaction devices at attractive prices, thereby assuring high quality product delivery. View Details
This manual compaction for Bitumen Testing is available on demand. We provide these Compaction devices at attractive prices, thereby assuring high quality product delivery. View Details
Universal Penetrometer
Model HV-EXP1467
The unit is compact with in-built timer to control duration of penetration presetted in factory to 5 seconds. The instrument is provided with leveling screws. Penetration Apparatus Dial diameter Graduated division& Spindle 150 mm 400 Frictionless Sample Container & No. of container Dia x depth 3 55mm x 35mm Automatic Digital Timer Timer switch type Timer interval Plunger Second, Minutesamp; Hour 1/10th sec. Release with push of a button and automatically stop after the preset time duration Cone & No. of cone Angle Length Weight of cone spindle 3 30° 35 mm 80 gm Gauge & No. of gauge Hole dimension (thick x dia) 1 1.75 mm x 1.50 mm Transfer Dish & No. of Dish Inside diameter Depth 1 90 mm 55 mm Penetration Needle & No. of needle Type Length x dia Temper angle 5 Fully Hardened, tempered s. steel& 50 mm x 1.00 mm 8.7° ~ 9.7° civil lab equipments manufacturer. Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers View Details
The unit is compact with in-built timer to control duration of penetration presetted in factory to 5 seconds. The instrument is provided with leveling screws. Penetration Apparatus Dial diameter Graduated division& Spindle 150 mm 400 Frictionless Sample Container & No. of container Dia x depth 3 55mm x 35mm Automatic Digital Timer Timer switch type Timer interval Plunger Second, Minutesamp; Hour 1/10th sec. Release with push of a button and automatically stop after the preset time duration Cone & No. of cone Angle Length Weight of cone spindle 3 30° 35 mm 80 gm Gauge & No. of gauge Hole dimension (thick x dia) 1 1.75 mm x 1.50 mm Transfer Dish & No. of Dish Inside diameter Depth 1 90 mm 55 mm Penetration Needle & No. of needle Type Length x dia Temper angle 5 Fully Hardened, tempered s. steel& 50 mm x 1.00 mm 8.7° ~ 9.7° civil lab equipments manufacturer. Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers View Details

Asphalt & Concrete Floor Saw
Model HV-EXP1661
Specifications: Drive by Diesel or Petrol / Kerosene Engine Diamond wheel of 300mm dia.. Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers, exporters and Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers suitable for a cut of depth unto 110 mm is supplied with standard outfit The trolley on which the engine is fitted also has a water rank which supplies a stream of water to keep the cutting blade cool during the operation. Adjustment to control depth of cut is also provided. A safety Guard is provided over the diamond wheel. Diamond wheels up to 600 mm dia., can be supplied at extra cost. civil lab equipments manufacturers View Details
Specifications: Drive by Diesel or Petrol / Kerosene Engine Diamond wheel of 300mm dia.. Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers, exporters and Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers suitable for a cut of depth unto 110 mm is supplied with standard outfit The trolley on which the engine is fitted also has a water rank which supplies a stream of water to keep the cutting blade cool during the operation. Adjustment to control depth of cut is also provided. A safety Guard is provided over the diamond wheel. Diamond wheels up to 600 mm dia., can be supplied at extra cost. civil lab equipments manufacturers View Details

Rock / Concrete Cutting Machine
Model HV-EXP1664
Rock / Concrete / Masonry, saw cutting machine can be used to cut Rock Cores. Concrete Cores, Stones, Building materials and metallic specimens.. Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers A smooth finish cut can be made with the machine in either wet or dry operation according to the nature of specimen (Cutter are at extra cost). The specimen cutting machine is designed to cut up to 200 mm (specify the size of deep cut required in the specimen) deep cut in the Concrete, Stones, Tiles, Soft rocks and Hard rocks or any other similar material. Specimen cutting machine is supplied complete fitted on a steel table, vice is fitted to hold the specimen. A guard is provided for the Diamond cutting wheel. The machine is operated by an enclosed type of fan cooled motor through the geared head drive. The speed of the cutting wheel is approximate 2100 to 2200 r.p.m. or in accordance with the revolution specified on the particular cutting wheel. The machine is fitted with water supply pump for cooling the specimen and cutting during cutting operation. The machine is suitable for operation on 440 Volts A.C. mains, 3 phases. In the machine arrangement is provided to move the sample, fitted on vice, lengthwise and breadth wise. civil lab equipments manufacturers View Details
Rock / Concrete / Masonry, saw cutting machine can be used to cut Rock Cores. Concrete Cores, Stones, Building materials and metallic specimens.. Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers A smooth finish cut can be made with the machine in either wet or dry operation according to the nature of specimen (Cutter are at extra cost). The specimen cutting machine is designed to cut up to 200 mm (specify the size of deep cut required in the specimen) deep cut in the Concrete, Stones, Tiles, Soft rocks and Hard rocks or any other similar material. Specimen cutting machine is supplied complete fitted on a steel table, vice is fitted to hold the specimen. A guard is provided for the Diamond cutting wheel. The machine is operated by an enclosed type of fan cooled motor through the geared head drive. The speed of the cutting wheel is approximate 2100 to 2200 r.p.m. or in accordance with the revolution specified on the particular cutting wheel. The machine is fitted with water supply pump for cooling the specimen and cutting during cutting operation. The machine is suitable for operation on 440 Volts A.C. mains, 3 phases. In the machine arrangement is provided to move the sample, fitted on vice, lengthwise and breadth wise. civil lab equipments manufacturers View Details
Pavement Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
Model HV-EXP1466
A simple and robust instrument for rapid in-situ measurement of the structural properties of road pavements. Provides fast and efficient method of obtaining information. For continuous measurements to a depth of 800mm and 1,200mm with the extension rod. Portable, and can be accommodated in a carrying case. Supplied with a wooden Carrying Case & The Equipment consists of: Top and Bottom Rod Handle Hammer 1 m Scale 60°Cone Anvil civil lab equipments manufacturer. Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers View Details
A simple and robust instrument for rapid in-situ measurement of the structural properties of road pavements. Provides fast and efficient method of obtaining information. For continuous measurements to a depth of 800mm and 1,200mm with the extension rod. Portable, and can be accommodated in a carrying case. Supplied with a wooden Carrying Case & The Equipment consists of: Top and Bottom Rod Handle Hammer 1 m Scale 60°Cone Anvil civil lab equipments manufacturer. Asphalt Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Asphalt Testing Lab suppliers View Details