Subsonic Suction Wind Tunnel

Model HV-EXP3669
Subsonic Suction Wind Tunnel The wind tunnel allows a wide range of spectacular experiments, including: Measurement of flow velocity and gradients in the test section. Measurement of pressure differentials around an aerofoil. Study of the pressure gradient around a cylinder. Using additional equipment: Measurement of lift and drag using a 2- component balance. Measurement of lift, drag and pitching moment with a 3-component balance. Technical specifications The wind tunnel is bench-mounted to allow easy mounting of the instruments and models. It consists of: A carefully designed contraction to provide uniform air flow. A transparent test section with panels prepared for the location of probes. A diffuser and honey comb connecting the test section to the suction fan. An axial fan and motor assembly mounted on a separate metal support, to provide isolation from vibration in the test section. The variable speed fan is controlled to provide air speed variation from 1ndash; 45 m/s. A diffuser for return of air to the laboratory. The wind-tunnel is of metal with a stoved finish and PVC construction. Test section: 230 x 230 x 500 mm. Maximum airflow: 45 m/s. Fan power: 3 kW Equipment Package : Table mounted wind tunnel as described above. Traversing system fitted with pitot tube. NACA-23012 aerofoil fitted with 16 pressure tappings. Rotatable cylinder with precise angular scale and pressure tapping. Tilting 24 tube manometer. Technical manual and teaching notes. Optional equipment : Component aerodynamic balance. Component aerodynamic balance. Set of aerofoils comprising: NACA-23012 (with removable flap), NACA 4412, NACA 65218, NACA 0015. Dimensions and weight 385 x 115 x 175 cmndash; 270 kg Essential requirements 380/440 V 3-phase at 50 Hz, other voltages available on demand. 220 V single phase for test equipment. Mechanical Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Mechanical Testing Lab suppliers