Strain Bridge

Model HV-EXP3692
Strain Bridge The high-contrast digital display gives a direct reading in micro-strains, for half or full bridge operation of the six channels. Measurements with a quarter bridge configuration can be made by adding a resistor. The gauge factor can be adjusted between 1 and 5. Each channel can be balanced separately by means of multiturn potentiometers. An analogue output for each channel permits the display of the signals using an oscilloscope or a plotter, and also data acquisition. With the bridge energisation of 2.5 V, strain gauges of 120 W minimum can be used. These can be in Constantan, Isoelastic Karma or Platinum – Tungsten alloys. The 20 000 point digital display allows measurements in the range 20 000 mm/m, whatever the gauge alloy. Technical specifications Number of channels: 6. Operating range: 20 000 m/m. Resolution: 1 m/m. Bridge energisation: 2.5 V – Stability: 10-4. Gauge configuration: Full or half bridge with gauges of 120 to 5000 WQuarter bridge with additional resistor. Input impedance: 1010 W. Balance: using multi-turn potentiometers 2000 W/W. Gauge factor read directly on display adjustable from 1 to 5 by multi-turn locking potentimeters.resolution: 0.001. Amplifier: precision 1 %. linearity: 0.002 %drift: 0.25V/°C noise: less than 13V per Hzcommon mode rejection:< 100 dB. Analogue outputs: independant output for the 6 channels, using Cannon 9 pin connectors max. output voltage: 10 V band pass: 0 – 10 kHz. 2 V for 20000 W/W. Minimal load: 22000 W. Gauge connections: 15 pin Cannon connectors way rapid connector. Option : Data acquisition and processing with an IBM-PC or compatible micro-computer, the system can configure and read the six channels simultaneously. It comprises three elements: Software package Allows for each series of measurements : Test identification. Strain bridge initialisation. Channel selection, gain, configuration (full or half-bridge), gauge factor, graph configuration, sampling rate, total number of acquisitions. Visualisation. Safeguard. Print-out. Saving test to file. Card-bridge connecting cable. Analogue / Digital acquisition card. Features : Reads 16 single analogue inputs or 8 differential analogue inputs. 12 bit digital conversion, or a resolution of 4096 points full scale. Accepts maximum voltages of 0 to 10 volts in unipolar mode and 5 volts in bi-polar mode. Fixed frequency acquisition, through built-in time Dimensions and weight 265 x 105 x 84 mm. Net weight : 1.8 Kg. Essential requirements Voltage : 220 V, 50 or 60 Hz.