Sharps Tuning Forks (Unweighted)

Model TF0003
The Sharps Set consists of 5 forks that, like the Harmonic
Spectrum Set, are based on the Pythagorean Scale, also known as the Just Scale.
They are the sharps in the same middle octave as the Harmonic Spectrum Set. So
by using the Harmonic Spectrum Set with the Sharps Set, you have a complete octave
in the Pythagorean Scale or Just Scale, which can be used with the traditional
chakra frequencies from the Hindu tradition, with C being the root chakra, D
the sacral chakra, etc.
The Sharps Set fill in the missing links between the chakras
and the basic frequencies of life. They are the "in betweens", the
links that are key in the transitions from one frequency to the next, from one
chakra to the next, from one element to the next in the process of human
involution & evolution. In addition, all but A# are the vibrations of the
intersections of Ida and Pingala as they cross at the Sushumna. Therefore, they
are of upmost importance in the vibrational makeup of all life.