Rapid Moisture Meter

Model HV-EXP173
For quick determination of moisture contents of material s inpowder form I.e. soil, sand. coal, pottery, gannister, cementetc. A weighed quantity of the substance under test Is placedin the body of the tester together with a measured quantity ofabsorbent and the tester is then sealed and shakenvigorously thereby bringing the sample and the absorbentinto intimate contact. The pressure of gas liberated byinteraction of moisture in the sample and absorbent actuatesthe gauge which is directly graduated in percentage moistureon the wet weight basis. the weight. A conversion chart Isprovided for converting percentage moisture content on theweight basis to percentage on the dry weight basis. The Unitconsists of pressure vessel with clamp for sealing cap rubbersealing gasket, gauge calibrated in percentage moisturecontent to 25% on the wet weight basis, counter poisedbalance for weighing sample, scoop for measuring carbidereagent, bottle of reagent, cleaning brush. Complete inwooden carrying case with handle. The Unit can be used todetermine percentage moisture contents on the wet weightbases upto 25% which Is equal to 33.3% moisture contentson the dry weight basis. B) Rapid Moisture Metersame as No. 305 but dial gauge iscalibrated In percentage moisture content to 50% on the wetweight basis which is equal to 100% moisture content on thedry weight basis.