UPS Trainer

Model No. HV-EXP2235

The UPS trainer is avery versatile training system,has been designed to explain avery interesting and frequently used switching based power supply -The UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). The product is designed keeping in mind that astudent can understand each block of UPS in avery easy way. Various test points have been provided so that one can check inputs and outputs of each block contained. Being different from aconventional block diagram internal structure of blocks is also shown. AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) is presented in such away that astudent can readily understand its functioning and pin configuration. Since UPS is different from an inverter because its switching changeover time is less than 3mS which is very less so acomputer system doesn't get reboot. In depth explanation of PWM switching technology, which isone of the most important feature of UPS ALow cost product demonstrating all basic concepts of UPS Various test points are provided so that one can easily measuresthe voltages of different sections Designed considering all safety standards Provided with adetailed Operating manual 2Years warranty Technical Specifications Input :190 to 260 V10%, 50 Hz Output :230 V Transformer specifications Input :12 -0-12 V Outputs : 0, 190, 220, 240, 260 V 18 -0for battery charging Dimension (mm) :W365 × D265 × H120 Weight :5Kg (approx) Experiments than can be performed Study of PWM Technology To understand the overall functioning of UPS Trainer Study of AVR transformer section of UPS To study the UPS circuit in load condition To identify different faults and to study the systematicprocedure of their troubleshooting in UPS circuit....
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