89c 51 Microcontroller Trainer kit

Model No. HV-EXP5166

89c 51 Microcontroller Trainer kit LPC2148 microcontroller with 512 KB Flash Program memory 32+8KB SRAM 12Mhz crystal, On-chip two 10 bit ADC capable of providing 14 analog input channels, On-chip USB 2.0 Port On-Board USB to UART bridge connected to CPU-UART0 for ISP UART1 terminated at standard 9 pin D type connector 8 LEDs connected to Port lines One 8 way DIP Switch, 4 x 4 Matrix Keypad One 16X2 Alpha-numeric LCD, One Potentiometer to set the analog input to ADC One 16Kbits Serial EEPROM Single digit 7segment display connected to CPU – I2C port, Two digit 7 Segment display connected to CPU IO Port CPU - RTC Crystal 32.768Khz with battery backup One Temperature sensor connected to ADC channel On-chip DAC terminated in Port lines terminated in 26pin FRC for external interface boards Standard JTAG port for emulator / programming Built-in Power Supply and Different user manuals .
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E: info@hoverexport.com   w: www.hoverexport.com   M: +91 94666 93111