Helium Neon Laser Light

Model No. HV-EXP2505

Helium Neon Laser Light A 2 milliwatt Laser, Mountable on optical bench, with in built power supply workable on 220V AC, 50Hz. Design for continues working. Highly rugged mechanical setup. Up-down motion for beam. Laser Accessories:- 1. Low Line diffraction grating for laser wave length 2. Young's double slit 3. Hand micrometer 4. Grating stand 5. Laser Filter 6. Set of 13; (Demo Kit) Single taper Slit, Holes A,B,C,D, Grey Filter, Multiple Slit, Circular,Opaque,Spot,Mesh,Multiple Slit 5 Grid Pattern..
91, Industrial Estate, Ambala Cantt - 133006, Haryana, INDIA
E: info@hoverexport.com   w: www.hoverexport.com   M: +91 94666 93111