Digital Control System

Model No. HV-EXP1977

Digital Control System Digital Controller implementation on uP-kit; Simple Op-amp based analog plant; CRO display of response; Design and test new algorithms; Experiments :; Indentification of the controlled process; Study of sampling period variation; Designing P,PI,PD and PID controllers; Advanced algorithms implementation; Features and specifications :; Second order simulated process (analog process); Built-in D/A and A/D circuits (8-bit); 8085 based uP kit as digital controller with user software in 8K EPROM; 16-bit arithmetic for algorithmic calculations; 16 built-in levels of P, I and D gains each. Complete flexibility for the user to develop own software; Square wave test input (internal); IC regulated internal built in power supplies; 220V +/- 10%, 50Hz mains operation; Detailed literature and patch chords included; Essential accessory - a CRO.
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