Qam Trainer Kit

Model No. HV-EXP1955

Data Generator : Onboard 24 data bit generator Phase Generator : onboard 4 phase generator Encoder & Decoder : Onboard Tri-Bit Encoder-Decoder Data Switches : Onboard DIP switches for I, C, Q World clock : Onboard world clock generator to show the start of 24 bit data word Input Display Buffer : Onboard 24 bit data display with the help Of tricolour LED’s More than 35 test points for intermediate signal display Fault switches : 16 fault simulated switches Data Speed : Fixed generator than 4.5 KHz Data Format : Synchronous with carrier D Sequence : 24 bit user selectable data with the help of 3x8 Dip switches Sine & Cosine Carrier Generator 4.5 KHz (approx.) Inbuilt power supply Assembled in ABS plastic box with cover Set of patch chords & users manual.
91, Industrial Estate, Ambala Cantt - 133006, Haryana, INDIA
E:   w:   M: +91 94666 93111