Pulse Code Modulation/demodulation Trainer Kit

Model No. HV-EXP1940

In the basic PCM Modulator the base band analog Signal is converted into 8 bit Digital format using an ADC.; Sampling rate is set at 2.5 KHz. The 8 bit parallel data from ADC is converted into serial bit stream at 20 kbps.; The PCM Demodulator receives the serial data, converts it into 8 bit parallel format.; The Analog to Digital converter transforms the 8 bit parallel data into analog level.; Thus the output of DAC is a stepped approximation of input signal.; A low pass filter is used to recover the analog signal.; HARDWARE SPECIFICATION :; Inbuilt Power Supply; Built in TTL Clock Generator 20 KHz; Modulating signal Generator 100Hz to 5KHz; PCM Encoder & PCM Decoder; Data display with LED’s; Assembled in plastic Box with circuit printed on PCB with 2mm socket for test points & to see the waveforms; Set of 2mm Patch Chords & Manual..
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