Pigml Water Current Meter

Model No. HV-EXP235

This meter is used specially formeasuring flow of water inshallow streams, irrigationchannels and minors where thevelocity and depth of water is insufficient for obtainingmeasurements with large meters. This type is of a small sizewith a single revolution contact box. The meter is extremelysensitive to low velocity. Accessories include wadding rodone meter long graduated at intervals with its base plate andclamp, head-phone with necessary connection. dry cellbattery, electric cable fitted with clips and plugs, duster,screw driver, forceps to adjust wire, and oil cane. Dulycalibrated by Gov!. research station and packed in a wellpolished wooden box..
91, Industrial Estate, Ambala Cantt - 133006, Haryana, INDIA
E: info@hoverexport.com   w: www.hoverexport.com   M: +91 94666 93111