Unconfined Compression Test Apparatus (Proving Ring Type)

Model No. HV-EXP189

Hand operated-for determining the unconfined compressionstrength of soil specimens of diameter ranging from 1%'" to4". The loading system consists of a screw jack, the provingring giving higher accuracy of reading and better control inloading. Capacity 4000 Ibs. (2000 kg.)It comprises of upper and lower platens, a pair of coneseatings, adaptor for proving ring, a hand operated screwjack for loading.. handle and strain dial gauge bracket(without proving ring, dia gauge and coning tools)..
91, Industrial Estate, Ambala Cantt - 133006, Haryana, INDIA
E: info@hoverexport.com   w: www.hoverexport.com   M: +91 94666 93111