Sampling Out Field, Heavy Duty

Model No. HV-EXP183

For collecting undisturbed samples of soil at different depths.The kit includes all necessary implement for boring. drivingand melting wax. Samples can be connected to heavy dutyextension rods. The outfit in conjunction with the samplerscan be used to collect undisturbed samples to a depth of 6meters. If the site conditions permit, the depth of operationcan be increased by adding extension rods.The outfit consists off Auger head Blade type, 150 mm dia.with 38 mm dia x 1 meter long rod, Tee-piece, and a handleExtension Rods heavy duty. 1 meter long and 38 mmdiameter, five No. Set of two spanners for tightening theextension rods.Jarring Link (Large) for driving samplers. This can beconnected to the sampler or to the Extension rod.Eye hook, Wax Container, methylated spirit stove, wax ladle.Complete as described in carrying bag..
91, Industrial Estate, Ambala Cantt - 133006, Haryana, INDIA
E:   w:   M: +91 94666 93111