32 Channel Standalone Logic Analyzer

Model No. HV-EXP2448

Input Channel: 32 data-sampling channels, 1 external clock channel, 3 clock restriction channels Threshold level: 15 individually adjustable threshold levels with the adjusting range of -10V+10V and the resolution of 0.1V Sampling clock: internal, external, rise edge, fall edge Clock restriction: without restriction, 3-channel restriction with the setting of 0, 1, arbitrary for each channel Sampling cycle: 10ns10s [rate 0.1100MSa/s] Resolution: 10ns 32 Channel Standalone Logic Analyzer has sampling signal source: internal, external and storage depth: 32k sampled points for each channel and 117 screens of the movable length. Storage mode includes continuous storage and interval storage [clock restriction]. Storage start-up is manual, conditional and start-up condition: 8 channels with 0, 1 or arbitrary for each channel..
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