Power Electronics Trainer

Power Electronics Trainer

Model HV-EXP4412
POWER ELECTRONICS TRAINER & BASIC ELECTRONICS TRAINER IC Based Power Supply : ±12V/500mA, +5V/500mA, 0 to +12V500mA, -12V/500mA AC Supplies : 9V-0V-9V/500mA Potentiometer : Three potentiometer (1K, 10K, 100K) with terminals. Speaker : 8ohms miniature speaker with terminals. Relay : One 12V/1C. O. relay with terminals. Power ON : Power ON switch with indictor for mains on indication and fuse for protection. Patch Cords : Set of 20 assorted coloured multi-stand wires with 2mm terminals. Power Requirement : 220V ± 10% single phase AC Accessories : Mains cord, manual. EXPERIMENT THAT CAN BE PERFORMED Study and verify the characteristics of various devices such as Diodes, (Si I Ge I Fast switching), Transistors (CB, CE, CC for different NPN & PNP transistor), FET, UJT, MOSFET, SCR, Diac, Traic, Zener Diodes, LED's. Study working pf resistors, capacitors, inductors, potentiometers, output transformer, speaker relay. Study and verify the basic theorems & laws such as resistors capacitors I inductors in series I parallel and combinations thereof, Ohm's Laws, Kirchoff's voltage law, Kirchoffs current law. Study and verity the RC. RL & RLC series & parallel resonance circuits, filters (LP, HP, BP, B ). Study and verify the clipping, clamping; biased clippers, half wave, full wave & bridge rectifier circuits. Study and verify the voltage regulators circuits using zener diodes & transistors. Study and verify the digital gates using diodes and transistors. Study and verify the performance of amplifiers such as CB, CE, CC transistor amplifiers, power amplifiers, audio amplifiers, differential amplifiers and feedback amplifiers (current series I saunt ). Study and verify the oscillators such as phase shift, astable, monostable, bistable and Schmitt trigger. Study and verify the performance of applications of special devices such as FET as an amplifier, FET as source follower I switch, MOSFET as an amplifier, UJT as relaxation oscillator, light operated relay

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