Operation Theatre Fumigator

Model HV-EXP3930
These OT fumigators consume negligible power and virtually require no maintenance. Provides operation theater fumigator to suit the requirements of each and every medical profession.These operation theatre fumigator are used in most of the Indian hospitals and dispensaries. Operation Theatre (OT) Fumigator: Technical Data: Body : Fully Stainless Steel Maximum Height : 16 Inches Outer Diameter : 17 Inches Weight : 9 Kgs (Appr.) Electric Supply : 230 50Hz Single Phase A.C.Connected Load : 90 Watts Power Consumption : 0.150Kws / Hr.Atomizing Cap. : 30 - 35 ml / min Features: Light Weight And Portable Easy To Operate Virtually No Maintenance Required. Negligible Power Consumption. 100% Convenient Disinfection Procedure Unpack the equipment and check the functioning by plugging it into a pin 5 Amps 230 V electrical socket Ascertain the dosage required for the room to be disinfected Place 'OT Fumigator' inside the operation theatre Pour in the formation & water into the dish from sides Close and seal all the windows, ventilators openings and the door of the place to be disinfected Plug in the unit's main cord into a 3 pin, 5 Amp, 230V, electrical sockets with switch. Which must be provided outside the operation theatre or use automatic timer Switch on the 'OT Fumigator' and allow it to run for 30 minutes then switch it off Wait for 6 hours and open the room before re-using the room, exhaust remaining fumes if any by switching on the fan / exhaust of the window and air conditioner.