Melt Flow Index Apparatus

Model HV-EXP4391
Melt Flow Index Apparatus - Melt flow index of thermoplastic materials is defined as the rate of flow in g/10 minutes of extrudate of molten resins from a cylindrical cavity inside a heated metallic tube barrel through a jet of a specified length and diameter under prescribed conditions of temperature, load, and piston position. & The& Melt Flow Index Apparatus for thermoplastic materials consists of a heated extruder tube, a removable jet through which the material under test is extruded, and a piston and dead weights to apply the specified pressure on the material inside the extruder tube. & The extruder tube is made from hardened die steel and is heated by means of two band heaters, which surround its outer circumference. A micro-processor based PID type digital temperature indicator-cum-controller is provided to indicate and control the temperature of the tube accurately. The heater and tube are lagged with mineral wool for providing them adequate thermal insulation. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Plastic Films Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Plastic Films Testing Lab suppliers