Kohiraush Conductive Bridge

Model ETK0019
For direct measurement of electrolytic resistance or thick values of D.C resistance. Slide wire enclosed calibrated to read 01 to 10on Circular Scale. In conjunction with multiplier knob giving 6 ratio 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 are obtainable so that total Range of measurement. 001 to 100000 ohms Robust push-button key that can be locked is provided.
Kohirausch Conductivity Bridge :-
Comprising of calibrated scale 0.1 -10 ohm,s and multiplier ratio dial giving 6 ratio dial giving 6 ratio 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 Maganian slide wire is used. Push button key of robust type is useful for quick determination of resistance too, when galvanometer replaces the head phone in the detector circuit, with constant coil Accuracy 1%
Thermo-EMF Temperature Bridge :-
Direct reading, specially designed for thermocouple measurements. Comprising 20 coils worked by a knob marked x0.5 M/V in series with in slide wire 50 cm divided into 500 mm. Calibrated to read 0.5M/V giving a Potential gradient 1 Micro volt per mm. Total measurable EMF is 10.5 m/volt. Rotary switch provided for SELECTOR Switch for 2 External circuits on being Thermo Couple. External standardizing coil for Weston Normal cell provided.
Induction Coil :-
• To be used with kohirausch conductivity Bridge.
Head Phone :-
• Extra sensitive for use with kohirausch Conductivity Bridge.
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