Ketamine Urine Drug Test

Model SDT008
Ketamine urine drug tests is a derivative of phencyclidine. It is used medically as a veterinary
and human anaesthetic. Certain doses of ketamine can cause dream-like states
and hallucinations. In high doses, ketamine can cause delirium, amnesia,
impaired motor function, high blood pressure, depression, and potentially fatal
respiratory problems. Ketamine is metabolised in the liver and excreted through
the kidney. The half-life of ketamine in the body is around three
hours. The Ketamine test is based on the principle of specific
immunochemical reaction between antibodies and antigens to analyse particular
compounds in human urine specimen. The assay relies on the competition for
binding antibody between drug conjugate and free drug which may be present in
the urine specimen being tested. When drug is present in the urine specimen, it
competes with drug conjugate for the limited amount of antibody-dye conjugate.
When the amount of drug is equal or more than the cut-off, it will prevent the
binding of drug conjugate to the antibody. Therefore, a positive urine specimen
will not show a colour band on the test line zone, indicating a positive
result, while the presence of a colour band indicates a negative result.
Room temperature before opening
Simple-to-use, quick
testing period and accurate results
Performance measured
against calibrated laboratory equipment