Kabbalah TREE OF LIFE Tuning Forks (Weighted)

Model TF0020
The Kabbalah TREE OF LIFE Sephiroth Set consists of 12
forks. There is one fork for each of the 10 sephirah in the Kabbalah Tree of
Life. The 11th fork is the invisible non-sephirah Da'ath. The 12th fork is the
Lightening Flash, the Pathway of All Life made manifest, and all manifested
Life reunited with Light.
The Kabbalah Tree of Life is a map of the soul/human journey
and experience toward enlightened consciousness. It is a picture of how Nothing
becomes Everything, which ultimately becomes physical matter; and vice versa,
how physical matter ultimately becomes Everything which then becomes Nothing.
In all of time, in the past, present and future, we are
somewhere in the Tree, experiencing a moment, then moving to another moment in
time to another place in the Tree. It is a personal journey, and yet also a
universal journey. It is the journey to understand our self, our relationships,
our planet and the cosmos in relation to the Creator of the All-That-Is.
It is a physical representation of the step-down process
through each Sephirah where a differentiated Spectrum appears. The step-down of
visible colour begins with KETER. And so the Tree of Life is formed.