Instrumentation Lab Training Modules

Model HV-EXP2471
Instrumentation Trainer Using Transducers • Strain Gauge Trainer Kit (with Cantilever Beam) • LVDT Trainer Kit • RTD Trainer Kit • Thermocouple Trainer Kit • Speed Measurement Module using Photo Electric & Magnetic • Speed Measurement Module using Photo Electric Sensor • Speed Measurement Module using Magnetic Sensor • Inductive Pick up • Capacitive Pick up • Piezo Electric Transducer • Hall Effect Sensor • Pressure Measurment using strain gauge • Load Cell Trainer Kit • Temprature Sensors Kit • PID Simulator • PID Controller Kit (Model Process) • PID Controller kit (Microprocessor Based) • DC Servo Motor Speed Torque Characteristics Trainer • Stepper Motor Controller Trainer • DC Motor Speed Control Demonstration/Trainer • Synchro Transmitter Receiver Pair • Study of Compensation Network • Magnetic Amplifier • Magnetic Amplifier (Positive & Negative Feed Back) • DC Voltage Regulator as a Closed Loop System • Educational Analog Computer • Board Model for Actuating Element • Control Engineering Tutor • Light Intensity Control • Digital Control System • Simple Resistance Welding • Repeat Resistance Welding • Simple (Event) Counter • Stat-Delta Starter • Pick and Place Application • Annuciator • Linear System Stimulator • Study of First & Second order Control System Trainer.

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