Gabriel and Genesis Tuning Fork

Model TF0036
Genesis Healing Tuning fork for DNA Repair This Fork is combined
with others to Cause Things to Happen or to Create Things. This Can be used in
conjunction with the GABRIEL fork to repair damaged portions of DNA It can also
be used alone or with SHEKINAH fork to destroy Cancer Cells (Still under
research) Will also move misaligned Joints & bones back into Place Will
also help Rebuild Muscles & Tissues Physiologically the sacral chakra
governs the sexual organs, urinary elimination and the reproductive system. The
third eye chakra is located in the centre of the forehead. The third eye chakra
governs the physical eyes and the pineal gland. Working on this chakra, one can
gain insights on dreams, tap into psychic abilities and work with
visualisations. With the help of these D & A tuning forks, we can
understand deeply about these 2 chakras, benefitting us in many ways. We begin
to bring our sexual nature to a higher level of spiritual awareness.