Fiber Optics Trainer

Model HV-EXP2722
Fiber Optics Trainer (PC – PC); Fiber optic LED's having peak wavelength of Emission 660mm; Inbuilt Signal Source : Analog & Digital - Bandwidth : 350KHz - Digital Bandwidth : 2.5MHz - Filters Transmitter : 02 nos.; Receiver: 02 Nos. Fiber Optic Photo Detector.; Modulation Techniques: - Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation & Pulse width Modulation; Drivers : 2 nos. with Analog & Digital modes.; Analog : 02 nos. 4th order Butterworth Filter.; Cut Off Frequency 3.4 KHz; Onboard Function Generator : 1KHz variable amplitude sine wave 1KHz TL square wave; Voice Line : Fiber optic voice link using microphone & speaker (built-in).; PC to PC communication : Using 2 channel through RS-232 serial port.; Port : 19200 baud.; Type of cable : Step indexed multimode PMMA Plastic cable; Core Refractive index : 1.492; Clad Refractive index : 1.406; NA : Better than 0.5; Accept. Angle : Better than 60°; Fiber Dia : 1000mu.; Outer Dia. : 2.2mm; Length : 1m, 0.5m; Power supply : 230v 2±10%, 50Hz.

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