DSB SSB AM Transmitter Trainer

DSB SSB AM Transmitter Trainer

Model HV-EXP2220
This trainer has been designed with aview to provide practical and experimental knowledge of DSB /SSB AM transmitter technique as practically implemented in analog communication system on asignal P.C.B. of size 300x400mm. Object: Study of carrier frequency generation. Study of DSB /SSB AM Generation & Transmission. Study of Transmitter tuned circuits. Feature:The board consists of the following built-in parts: AF Modulating signal generator :Sine wave Frequency Range :300 Hz to 3.4 KHz Amplitude :0to 5Vpp. RF carrier signal oscillator Amplitude :0to 10 Vpp. Frequency Range :100 KHz to 1Mhz. Modulators (Two Nos) :Double Balanced Amplitude modulator Ceramic Band Pass Filter :452 KHz to 458 KHz. Band Pass Filter :1No. Switch faults :8Nos. POWER SUPPLY :± 12DC and +5V DC IC Regulated power supply. Test points :27 Nos. BFO Oscillator :455 KHz. Input Audio amplifier with Volume Control for modulating external signal from Mike or Tape recorder. Output Amplifier Transmitter :(Gain adjustable) DSB (1MHz), SSB (1.445 MHz) connected to Antenna/cable. Mains ON/OFF switch, fuse and jewel light. Power supply requirement 230V AC, 50 Hz. Dynamic Microphone with 4mm Jack Pin. Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections/ observation of waveforms. Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design Procedures, Report Suggestionsand Book References. Weight :6Kg. (Approx.) Dimension :W412 xH150 xD310 Other Apparatus Required: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope of 20MHz.....

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