Determination Of Cd, Cv And Cc Orifices

Model HV-EXP300
Overhead tank 45x45x120 cms high isstrongly made in steel sheet and angle ironframe with separating pipe, gauge 'glass andscale graduated In cms and litres, drain cockand overflow. The tank has quick action valvein front having a facing to take the followinterchangeable orifices which are included with theapparatus. Four orifices sharp edged-round, square,rectangular and rectangular and four mouth pieces,convergent, divergen 111 form and re-entrant. (b) Stand for above made of angle Iron and Iron strips stror4l;made. (c) Scale and Sliding Attachment For measuring the curvedthe out flowing jet. Horizontal and vertical scales are accurateto 1 mm with vernier reading to 1/10 mm. Complete with fixarrangements to the overhead tank. (d) Collecting tank For above, size 8OX80x90 cm in strongsteel sheet and angle iron frame work. Complete with a glassgauge and scale calibrated In cms and litres and also a quickdrain cock. (e) Collecting Tank Size 80x80x90 cm In strong steel sheetand angle iron frame work divided Into two water light compartments each having a gauge glass and scale calibrated ,cms and litres and also a quick drain cock..