Crease Recovery Tester

Model FTE0011
The Crease Recovery Tester is designed to measure crease
recovery angle of fabrics. It consists of a rotary circular scale on which a
spring type specimen clamp is fixed on the base plate on which the above
arrangement is mounted. The test specimen is fixed on a loading strip supplied
with the equipment. After folding the specimen on the creasing line marked on
the strip, the loading strip with folded specimen is kept on an anvil under the
dead load of the loading arrangement for a specified time. After that the
specimen with the loading strip is transferred to the clamp of the rotary
circular scale, where it is held in manner that the fold lies in a horizontal
line on the axis of the circular scale. The circular scale with the clamp is
rotated till the free limb of the specimen becomes vertical which is judged by
aligning it to a vertical pointer. The crease recovery angle is directly read
on the circular scale.
Method for Determination of Wrinkle Recovery of
fabrics (By Measurement of Crease Recovery Angle).
Determination of Wrinkle Recovery of fabrics,
Crease Recovery Angle Method.
Wrinkle Recovery of Woolen Textile Fabrics using
the Vertical Strip Apparatus.