Cam Analysis Apparatus- Engineering Lab Training Systems

Model TML005
Apparatus is a motorized unit consisting of a camshaft driven by a variable speed motor. The shaft runs in a double bearing. The free end of the camshaft has a facility to mount the cam easily.
The follower is properly guided in gunmetal bushes and the type of follower can be changed according to the cam under test. Graduated circular protractor is fitted co-axial with the shaft. And a Dial Gauge fitted on the follower shaft is used to note the follower displacement for the angle of cam rotation. A spring is used to provide controlling force to the follower system. Weights on the follower shaft can be adjusted as per the requirement. An arrangement is provided to regulate the speed. The apparatus is very useful for testing the cam performance for jump phenomenon during operation. On this apparatus the effect of change of inertia forces on jump action of cam-follower during operation can be observed. It is useful for testing various cam & follower pairs. Three cams and three followers will be supplied with the apparatus. Theses are already hardened to reduce the wear.
With the help of combination of provided cams and followers following experiments can be conducted:
To plot the n-q (Follower displacement Vs Angle of rotation) curves for different cam follower pairs
The follower bounce can be observed by using a stroboscope (Optional) & effect of follower weight on bounce can be studied.
To study the effect of follower weight on bounce.
To study the effect of spring compression on bounce.
The tests can be repeated by changing compression springs, follower weights and cam speed.
Electricity 0.5 kW, 220 V, Single Phase
Stroboscope (Optional).
Cam Shaft Material Stainless Steel
Cams Tangent, Eccentric, Circular Arc type.
Roller, Knife edge, Mushroom
Compression Spring
Provided Weights 1 kg., 500gm, 200 gm & 100gm
Motor Variable speed, ½ HP., 0-1500 RPM with speed controller
Dial Gauge Baker & Mercer/Standard Make