8085 Microprocessor Training Kit With LCD Display

Model HV-EXP3782
8085 Microprocessor Training Kit With Lcd Display And In-built Power Supply Based on 8085 CPU operating at 6.144 MHz crystal.; 16K bytes of EPROM with powerful monitor program.; 8K byte of RAM available to the user.; Battery backup for user's RAM with 3.6V rechargeable cell; Total on board memory expansion upto 64K bytes using 2732/2764/27128/6264.; Memory mapping definable by the user.; 20x2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).; 104/105KeysIBM PC Compatible ASCII Keyboard; 48 programmable I/O lines provided through 2 nos. of 8255.; 16 bit programmable timer/counter using 8253.; RS-232C interface for CRT using SID / SOD lines.; Two modes of Commands: - Key board Mode & Serial Mode; All address, data and control lines are buffered and made available at the edge connector as per STD Bus configuration.; Powerful Software Commands like relocate, string, fill, insert, delete, block move, memory compare etc.; Onboard Single Line Assembler/Disassembler.; Facility for Downloading/Uploading files from/to PC.; In-built Power Supply :; User's Manual..